Roundup: The post-meeting calls to end the hunger strike

Today in Idle No More news, Thomas Mulcair and the Grand Chief of Quebec Matthew Coon Come are calling for Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence to end her hunger strike because sufficient progress has been made, and the fact that her demand to have the Governor General and the PM at the table together is never going to happen ever. One of the founders of the movement says she supports Spence, but not road blockades or the political process with the AFN. Former Prime Minister Paul Martin criticises Stephen Harper’s handling of the First Nations file. AFN National Chief Shawn Atleo is preparing to meet with Harper again in two weeks, and credits Idle No More for getting the process started.

The Department of Justice has spent $3.6 million on the Ashley Smith inquiry, but is keeping as much of it as the can under wraps.

RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson admits that the Force wasn’t tracking incidents of misconduct and had no way of knowing if the problem was widespread – until he took charge. And of a force of 19,000 officers, 335 were brought to a tribunal over a four-year period.

The PQ is sniping at the NDP for not representing Quebec well enough, and the NDP won’t apologise for supporting things like the loan guarantee for the Muskrat Falls hydro project.

Liberal leadership candidate Deborah Coyne writes about her life and her relationship with Pierre Trudeau in a new e-book. Meanwhile, the second payment deadline was reached on Sunday, and Martin Cauchon made it in under the wire – with a little help from the David Bertschi campaign.

And the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario explains why he allowed prorogation – because he acts on the advice of the Premier, and just because a decision is politically controversial, it doesn’t mean that it’s illegitimate or nefarious.