About Dale Smith

I’ve been a member of the Canadian Parliamentary Press Gallery since 2008, and I have a fairly obsessive knowledge about Canadian politics. Much of that knowledge is about the institutions of parliament itself, which are fundamental to understanding how Canadian politics works. I first got my taste of politics as a page in the Alberta Legislature back in high school, and when I later moved to Ottawa, that interest turned into a full-time career in reporting on federal politics. Later on, when I did my Masters in Journalism, I examined the role of community-of-interest media in the Press Gallery, for which I learned more about the history of the Gallery. I currently have a book on Canadian democracy, The Unbroken Machine, which was released in March 2017, and in 2020, I contributed to the book Royal Progress: Canada’s Monarchy in an Age of Disruption.

I am currently a regular freelance journalist covering the Hill and I write primarily for Thomson Reuters and the Canadian Bar Association’s National Magazine, as well as having a twice-weekly column on LooniePolitics.com, and a bi-weekly column with Xtra Magazine. I have previously been a contributor to Maclean’s, and I also served as the Political Editor for Outlooks. I have contributed to the Globe and MailCanadian Business, Law Times, Canadian Lawyer, Market News International, Ottawa Xpress, the Hill Times, Blacklock’s Reporter, the Ottawa Citizen, The National PostThe Canadian Press, QMI/Postmedia and iPolitics.ca.

One thought on “About Dale Smith

  1. Pingback: Who is supposed to be running the Government of Canada — the federal government elected by the Canadian people or 10 provincial premiers ?? - Counterweights

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