Roundup: The clawback climbdown

At 4:26 pm on the Friday before a long weekend, it was time for the government to release something they wanted buried – in this case, backing down on some of the changes to the EI Working While On Claim programme. The government will now allow some claimants to return to the old system that didn’t claw back as much for low-income earners. That said, it’s a temporary short-term fix that won’t do much in the long term for those claimants.

Here’s a bit of perspective on the “largest beef recall in Canadian history.”

Uh oh – it looks like the government is set to miss its deficit reduction targets for last year.

Economist Stephen Gordon takes a look at “job-killing carbon taxes” and finds that if applied properly, they actually create jobs. Unlike going the regulatory approach, like the Conservatives are doing. Oops.

Here’s a bit more about the decision to fire part-time prison chaplains, who just coincidentally happen to be those serving other faiths. Apparently Vic Toews ordered a review of the system after learning that they were trying to hire a part-time Wiccan priestess for some inmates, and well, there was going to be none of that. The plan now calls for all future chaplains to be “non-denominational spiritual advisors” once the current full-time chaplains’ contracts expire in March. Yeah, good luck with that, and the Charter challenge that is due to follow.

The Conservatives have curtailed an attempt by Marc Garneau to have the Procedure and House Affairs committee limit the use of omnibus legislation. Kady O’Malley notes how quickly this issue, like others, are moving back in camera in committees.

Paul Wells looks at the political lineage of Justice Richard Wagner, whose father was narrowly edged out of the leadership of the Progressive Conservatives by Joe Clark back in 1976.

Law professor Carissma Mathen gives her thoughts about the Supreme Court decision about HIV disclosure, and while she has her reservations, she does talk about the importance of some of the considerations for autonomy when it comes to risk exposure. The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, however, is not happy and calls the ruling unjust.

The court challenge contesting the elections in those seven ridings is moving ahead after the Federal Court struck down the Conservatives’ attempt to ensure a deposit was placed on the proceedings for legal fees.

The RCMP’s Atlantic harassment officer comes forward with tales about how she has been bullied by her superiors, and warns about giving them too much power under the current RCMP reform bill being considered by Parliament.

Here is your recap of last night’s politics shows.

And Susan Delacourt reminds us that journalists keep writing about Justin Trudeau because people want to read about him – and media outlets have the stats to prove it.

2 thoughts on “Roundup: The clawback climbdown

  1. In the paragraph where you talk about the Supreme Court decision on HIV disclosure, you include a link to law professor Carissma Mathen’s opinion. You also mention that the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network is not happy. I think readers would find it useful for you to include a link to the Legal Network’s statement written with the other intervenors:

    • Thanks for catching that Gilles. The link must have gotten lost in the shuffle.

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